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Learning and Living Landscape

The EduExcellence Noordhoek school has rebranded and will function as Afton Grove Country School as of January 2025.  

We grow together

Our Vision

At Afton Grove Country School, our vision is to establish an enriching environment that fosters the development of compassionate, skilled individuals, dedicated to achieving their full potential while cultivating a strong commitment to the community.

Our Mission

To empower learners through an enriching, holistic education that enables them to reach their full potential.


To instill core values and principles in our learners that foster a lifelong love of learning.


To create a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages accountability, gratitude, curiosity, and sincerity.

Our Scope

Our learner community are those learners who are in need of a small but structured classroom setup. Our sensory-sensitive environment is ideal for neuro-diverse children. If your child has been diagnosed with ADD, Hyperactivity, learning difficulties or on the spectrum, they will benefit from our TheraEd Approach.

Grade R - Grade 9

Skills Center

Our Approach

Our methodology centers on personal education, highlighting the importance of individualized programs designed to meet each child's unique needs. We recognize that learning abilities are inherently linked to neurodevelopment, which is why we adopt a neuro-developmental approach. Utilizing our TheraEd Approach, we foster a therapeutic educational environment where teachers also act as co-therapists. This aligns with our co-operative learning approach, which ensures that core concepts are consistently presented throughout a learning phase, enabling us to embed these ideas at a deeper level.

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SOI (Structure of Intellect)

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

iDevelop Program (neuro-developmental activities based on results of the iMAP)

Bal-A-Vis-X (body-brain integration activities)

Speed Stacking (eye-hand coordination and task initiation and completion)


We are excited to make contact with you. 

021 785 2992

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