Not a school but a Studio
Grades 10 - 12
We have re-imagined the traditional FET (Further Education and Training) Phase by adapting our neuro-developmental approach specifically for the adolescent's specific needs.
Adolescence is a critical period of development in a young person’s life, one filled with distinctive and pivotal biological, cognitive, emotional, and social changes. A hallmark of adolescence is a gradual development toward autonomy and individual adult decision-making. However, adolescents are often faced with situations for which they may not be prepared, and many are likely to be involved in risk-taking behaviours.
During adolescence, there is a “pruning” of grey matter and synapses, which makes the brain more efficient in adult life. White matter increases throughout adolescence, which allows the older adolescent and adult brain to conduct more complex cognitive tasks and adaptive behaviour. However the transition period is fraught with irritation, mood swings, disruptive sleeping patterns and hormonal changes. Simply put, they have different needs and we need to personalise their educational offering to best serve them.
As we specialise in neuro-development, we want to make optimal use of this critical stage.
Partnering with parents