Level 5 - 9
Functional Literacy
Functional Numeracy
Skills Development Classes
iDevelop daily
Care Circles weekly
Individual counselling
Auditory Integration Training
TheraEd Environment
Life Skills
Life & Social Skills
The intermediate phase functions as the transitioning stage where learners move away from the sensory and perceptual program and where we start to focus on functional academic work that will help them in life beyond EduExcellence. We also prepare them for the next phase in the EduExcellence Skills Centre. We follow a differentiated CAPS curriculum and work on functional English/Afrikaans and Mathematics combined with practical skills development. In this phase, we also focus on helping the learner develop skills that they would need to prepare them for going out and gaining work experience.
Our program allows for a total of 70% formalized therapeutic intervention, comprising of 20% iDevelop and 50% Life Skills. Another 30% of the time is allocated to academic work in preparation for either a re-integration into our EduExcellence Schools or our Senior Skills Centre. All these activities take place within our TheraEd Environment.