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Graduates Holding Diplomas

Primary school


Grade R to 3 children are welcomed in this phase, where our TheraEd Approach will ensure that they feel safe and nurtured whilst easing them into the formal academic work of English, Afrikaans, Mathematics and Life Skills. Part of our special education, our iDevelop Program is presented daily with weekly care circles and therapeutic assistance as and when needed. Social and emotional interaction is important and we assist our learners to gain confidence. 


Grade 4 to 6 learners are accommodated with subjects such as English, Afrikaans, Mathematics, Life Orientation, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology. Our TheraEd approach creates the perfect special education environment for optimal learning and our iDevelop Programs are delivered daily, focussing on neuro-developmental and neuro-cognitive activities. Care circles are presented weekly and therapeutic assistance provided as and when needed.  

High school


Grade 7 to 9 learners are entering an important phase where self-motivation and regulation become imperative. Core subjects remain with additional Economic Management, Science and Creative Art. Students are supported within our TheraEd environment to navigate the transition from child to young adolescence. Daily iDevelop programs assist with these transitions.  

My Approach

Since our inception in 2007, we have assisted many children with remedial and assisted special education by means of our bespoke educational approach. Our TheraEd Approach provides a homelike and natural environment with small classrooms (maximum of 12 learners), allowing for individual attention in line with our Personal Education tagline.  


Our campuses are registered with the respective Departments of Education and are members of ISASA (Independent Schools Association of South Africa) and only employ SACE registered teachers and registered counsellors.


Children presenting with ADD, ADHD, general learning difficulties and in need of assisted or remedial education are enrolled within our schools. Our unique approach addresses these aspects at root cause level whilst providing an enriched learning environment for those in search of alternatives to mainstream education. 


As we specialise in neuro-development we welcome neuro-diversity. Our aim is to be able to place children back into the mainstream if they wish to leave our nurturing environment. Alternatively we assist learners throughout Grade 12. 

Although we value academic achievement, we understand that learning only takes place within an emotionally supportive environment.


All our teachers are trained as co-therapists and implement the TheraEd Approach in creating a Therapeutic Environment where children can learn and thrive. 



© 2025 EduExcellence Schools Group (Pty) Ltd

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